英文: markdown generated html is not styled by the styles specified by css 问题 你好, 我正在尝试使用Svelte创建一个Mar...
docsify中的美人鱼返回[Object Promise]
英文: Mermaid in docsify return [Object Promise] 问题 在我的docsify文档中实现mermaid时遇到问题 你好,我正在尝试在我的docsify项目中实...
在R Markdown中一个段落上的多个脚注的间距。
英文: Spacing for multiple footnotes on one paragraph in r markdown 问题 这是一个相当简单的问题,应该有一个简单的解决方案,对吧?我一直...
Keep some text in Markdown file but not showing up in exported pdf file? (a function similar to "%" in latex)
英文: Keep some text in Markdown file but not showing up in exported pdf file? (a function similar to ...
英文: Is there a way to format the "horizontal rule" (i.e., ---) output Quarto to .docx? 问题 ...
英文: Align two HTML elements in the center and display side-by-side in markdown 问题 你可以尝试使用以下Markdown代...
Background image for beamer set in quarto is not covering the full slides
英文: Background image for beamer set in quarto is not covering the full slides 问题 我使用Quarto扩展自定义了一个be...
如何同时在VS Code中运行两个“查找和替换”?
英文: How do I run two "Find and Replace" at once in VS-Code? 问题 我正在使用Markdown,我意识到我希望我的部分是粗...
英文: How to put rich text in the detail section of angular master/detail collapsible table? 问题 我有一个An...
“Property ‘data’ is incompatible with index signature.”
英文: Property "data" is incompatible with index signature 问题 I am trying to use markdown wh...