英文: Variable in include file c++ 问题 I am trying to include files in a cpp, but the filenames should ...
英文: Why does that macro-emulated function default argument expand differently in GCC and MSVC (C or ...
英文: Measuring the execution time of a function call in C using a function-like macro 问题 以下是您要翻译的内容: ...
英文: Recursion in Macro Preprocessor 问题 I am trying to write a function that calculates Factorial REC...
英文: How to redefine c++ macro with reduced parameters? 问题 我在现有项目中有以下宏: #define TRACE1(attr, str,...)...
英文: Why metaprogramming instead of functions? 问题 我是一个JavaScript程序员,对Lisp充满兴趣,因为听到像Eric Raymond这样的人声称...
英文: %by macro statement within %do loop not working as I would need 问题 我在SAS宏中的%do循环内使用%by语句遇到了问题:当运...
英文: How to concat two variables to create an identifier in a declarative macro? 问题 If you want to co...
英文: type checking in C macro 问题 以下是您提供的文本的翻译部分: I'm trying to do a type check at compile time in one...
Rust预处理器:类似于 #define 的纯文本替换,用于简化语法。
英文: Rust preprocessor: Plain text replacement like #define for syntax simplification 问题 在Rust中,您可以使用...