英文: Sum elements of list ignoring NaN without numpy 问题 我无法使用numpy,如何模拟.nansum方法?示例 x = [1, NaN, 2, 1...
英文: Compare three (or more) dataframes 问题 我有三个数据框,想要用 dplyr 进行比较。 数据框 df1: | id | name | zip | value...
英文: Dictionary output has array inside 问题 1- You can combine the functions into a single function by...
删除列表中的元素或重新创建新列表 (Python)
英文: Deleting elements from list or recreating new list (python) 问题 删除列表中的对象的最佳/最快方式是什么?删除一些对象: [obje...
英文: Is there a way to convert a dataframe containing concatenated list to a dictionary? 问题 我有一个包含连接列...
`elif` statement is not triggering in my `if` statement. Not sure why. Involves comparing a win condition list to an inventory list
英文: `elif` statement is not triggering in my `if` statement. Not sure why. Involves comparing a win ...
英文: Find substring in string compared to list 问题 I am using python to create a quiz for a school pro...
英文: Is it possible to use one input to put multiple integers into a list? 问题 marks = input("请输入分...
Netlogo web扩展 “expected a literal value”
英文: Netlogo web extension "expected a literal value" 问题 我有一个模型,旨在使用Web扩展与API交互。因此,在每次移动后,我...
Pythonic way to group values from a list based on values from another list
英文: Pythonic way to group values from a list based on values from another list 问题 有两个列表: List_A = [1...