英文: Laravel, links() pagination The GET method is not supported 问题 When I process a post request for...
英文: Eloquent provider inside composer package in vendor not auto-loading on a dev environment 问题 I'm...
英文: How to verify received token from firebase for device in php/laravel? 问题 我有一个移动应用程序,我从Firebase获取...
Eloquent可以生成类似于”WHERE (column_1 OR column_2 IS NOT NULL)”的WHERE子句吗?
英文: Can Eloquent generate a WHERE clause like "WHERE (column_1 OR column_2 IS NOT NULL)"? ...
Laravel Eloquent 无法读取数据库表格中以数字作为列名的数据。
英文: Laravel Eloquent unable to read data from databse table columns with numerical column names 问题 I...
无法在Laravel Blade上获取可变属性。
英文: can't get morphable property on laravel blade 问题 以下是已翻译的内容: 我有以下的Comment(评论)和Post(帖子)模型: Com...
Laravel 使用 Jetstream 和 Vue.js 将用户角色发送到每个路由。
英文: laravel send user role into every route [using jetstream vuejs] 问题 Sure, here's the translated c...
英文: Blade Tag Condition in one line Laravel 问题 Here's the translated code without the HTML tags: {{ ...
从Laravel在Nuxt 3授权过程中使用sidebase/nuxt-auth和GoogleProvider获取令牌
英文: Get token from Laravel in Nuxt 3 authorization process using sidebase/nuxt-auth and GoogleProvid...
英文: Laravel: How to cache the data retrieved from a relationship of a model? 问题 以下是您提供的代码的翻译部分: 有一个名...