英文: Is a using declaration for a non-member type equivalent to an alias declaration with an identifi...
英文: null pointer dereference when used as an lvalue 问题 Background 我有一个包含不同成员(在运行时构造的自定义结构)的类。我还有一个在编...
“operator”” _Bq”存在什么问题?
英文: What is wrong with operator"" _Bq? 问题 在[over.literal]上,我读到在示例列表中,以下内容是有效的: double oper...
英文: Since the result of malloc does not seem to be guaranteed to be aligned to anything, is it even ...
英文: using declaration inside a member function for an inherited member field 问题 在函数内部,可以使用using声明来将一...
Why can a multiline comment appear between "import" and ImportSpec, but not between PackageName and ImportPath?
英文: Why can a multiline comment appear between "import" and ImportSpec, but not between Pa...
英文: JVM recursive class initialization implementation 问题 正在研究JVM规范/内部,并希望理解循环引用递归类初始化应该如何正确进行。看看这个例子...
英文: Why are field and method resolution relative to superclasses different in the JVM? 问题 以下是翻译的内容: ...
“Effectively final”与”final” – 不同行为
英文: Effectively final vs final - Different behavior 问题 到目前为止,我认为 effectively final 和 final 在很大程度上是等价...
为什么 `getDeclaredAnnotations()` 在存在注解时返回空列表?
英文: Why is `getDeclaredAnnotations()` returning an empty list when an annotation is present? 问题 以下是翻...