英文: How to sort 144,000 files by lastModified() and length() in Kotlin within a second? 问题 我有以下的 Fil...
Kotlin – 找不到与 java.util.function.Function 等价的 Kotlin 版本。
英文: Kotlin - not able to find kotin equivalent of java.util.function.Function<T, R> 问题 I am tr...
Android CameraX | 颜色检测
英文: Android CameraX | Color detection 问题 I'm working with the new CameraX on Android. 我正在使用Android上的...
Kotlin Exposed上的条件求和(CaseWhenElse)
英文: Kotlin Exposed Sum on condition (CaseWhenElse) 问题 我有一个数据结构如下的表格: id type cityName regDate 1249 0...
类型不匹配:推断的类型是() -> JoinColumn,但期望的是JoinColumn。
英文: Type mismatch: inferred type is () -> JoinColumn but JoinColumn was expected 问题 我们正在使用Corda 4...
Kotlin AAR库与Proguard:如何仅保留类和方法名称?
英文: Kotlin AAR library w/ proguard: How to keep ONLY class and method names? 问题 我正在使用Kotlin构建一个Andro...
英文: Kotlin Coroutine SupervisorJob canceling behaviour 问题 我遇到了一个问题,不明白为什么任务2会在它是SupervisorJob的子任务且异常...
英文: Launch coroutine from click event in fragment 问题 Proper way to launch a coroutine from a click e...
Android Kotlin – How do I assign a name function in main activity class to setOnClickListener in another class?
英文: Android Kotlin - How do I assign a name function in main activity class to setOnClickListener in...
英文: Jackson ignores data class fields that aren't boolean but are of names starting with "i...