英文: Kusto join two tables based on latest available date 问题 有没有办法在Kusto上将两个表连接起来,并根据第二个表中的最新可用日期连接值?...
英文: How do I join identical columns while also keeping separate unique columns from two tables? 问题 我...
Calculating a new column in spark df based on another spark df without an explicit join column
英文: Calculating a new column in spark df based on another spark df without an explicit join column 问...
有没有优化这个日期范围转换的方法?在 pandas 中进行条件合并?
英文: Is there a way to optimize this date range transformation? Conditional merge in pandas? 问题 # 将销售...
英文: Looking for information on how to construct an SQL query with multiple mappings 问题 我有一个主表,有两个附加的...
英文: C# Pivot table data into a ViewModel using Linq 问题 我可以帮你将你的问题进行翻译成中文,代码部分将保持不变。以下是翻译好的内容: 我有一个使用...
英文: Multiple SQL Joins on Two Tables 问题 我需要创建一个基于匹配两个表记录的表,让我们称它们为表p和表c,在SQL Server中。在Excel中手动执行此操作是...
英文: How can I make an intersection of two columns of two tables and get the entire rows? 问题 我有一个SQLi...
I keep getting "No matching signature for operator = for argument types: STRING, INT64. Supported signature: ANY = ANY at [18:54] in Big Query
英文: I keep getting "No matching signature for operator = for argument types: STRING, INT64. Sup...
Join两个PySpark DataFrames,并在列名相似时从一个DataFrame获取一些列。
英文: Join two PySpark DataFrames and get some of the columns from one DataFrame when column names are...