英文: Jenkins is failing to find Chrome browser for automated tests - what can I do? 问题 I'm trying to ...
英文: Dynamic generation of parallel stages in jenkins 问题 这是你要翻译的部分: 我正在尝试在Jenkins中生成动态并行阶段。我已经达到了使其工作...
英文: How to trowbleshoot an issue with Jenkins master, which cannot restart? 问题 Jenkins 在从URL重新启动后不会回...
i want to trigger my jenkins job when a Merge Request if merged to a specific branch is a particular folder in the local machine?
英文: i want to trigger my jenkins job when a Merge Request if merged to a specific branch is a partic...
Why am I getting 'permission denied' error in Jenkins but not when bash-ing into DIND image?
英文: Why am I getting 'permission denied' error in Jenkins but not when bash-ing into DIND im...
如何通过Jenkins和Jfrog Artifactory推送和推广Docker镜像
英文: howto push and promote docker image by Jenkins with Jfrog Artifactory 问题 目前我们正在使用Jenkins通过docker...
How can I configure Jenkins multibranch pipelines to use option with different args for branches & pull requests in a single Jenkinsfile?
英文: How can I configure Jenkins multibranch pipelines to use option with different args for branches...
Jenkins Bitbucket凭据无法读取存储库。
英文: Jenkins Bitbucket Credentials Cannot read repo 问题 Jenkins Bitbucket Credentials Cannot read repo...
MissingMethodException: No signature of method: p.call() when configuring Jenkins Pipeline script from SCM that targets Scripted Pipeline Jenkinsfile
英文: MissingMethodException: No signature of method: p.call() when configuring Jenkins Pipeline scrip...
英文: How to pass directory path as argument to batch file 问题 我正在编写一个管道脚本来调用一个批处理文件,该文件将调用一个.wsf脚本。 我正...