英文: ion-select popover not working Chrome 114 问题 我在Ionic中尝试从ion-select界面=popover打开弹出框时遇到了问题。 我的Ionic...
ionic2-calendar 错误:找不到模块:从 Swiper 包中未导出 Angular。
英文: ionic2-calendar Error: Module not Found: Angular is not exported from package Swiper 问题 我更新了我的项目...
Why is it that a parent angular component with multiple child component instances only has the first instance passing data to the child component?
英文: Why is it that a parent angular component with multiple child component instances only has the f...
Shadow DOM 部分与子组合器不起作用。
英文: Shadow dom parts not working with Child combinator 问题 *.html* <ion-select mode="...
IONIC 6 Build Issue Execution failed for task ':capacitor-splash-screen:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'. > error: invalid source release: 17
英文: IONIC 6 Build Issue Execution failed for task ':capacitor-splash-screen:compileDebugJavaWith...
After using the command ionic cap add android i changed my code in vscode but now there is no change in the apk i download from android stdudio
英文: After using the command ionic cap add android i changed my code in vscode but now there is no ch...
Capacitor App Plugin不让Android Studio构建APK。
英文: Capacitor App Plugin dont let android studio build the apk 问题 我正在按照此教程进行操作:https://capacitorjs.c...
从 Ionic 7 的 ion-tab-bar 中移除黑色背景
英文: remove black background from ion-tab-bar ionic 7 问题 Here is the translated content: 我正在开发一个 Ioni...
ion-datetime 无法正确更新小时
英文: ion-datetime unable to update the hours correctly 问题 在我的Vue 3应用程序中,我有以下名为"ion-datetime"...
insta360 X2 OSC(开放球形相机)预检角度的 API 调用失败。
英文: insta360 X2 OSC (open spherical camera) api call failed in preflight angular 问题 I am trying to s...