英文: Hibernate, making a native sql query and getting column names for the things on get() 问题 以下是翻译好的...
Spring Boot JPA 原生查询语句中 @P0 附近语法错误。
英文: Spring boot JPA nativeQuery Incorrect syntax near @P0 问题 @Query( value = "INSERT INTO dbo.im...
英文: How to write Joins using CriteriaUpdate? 问题 我想要请求,请帮助我找到在其他表中更新外键值的解决方案。 例如:- 如果我们采用设备表 列为:- 设备名...
Spring Boot / Hibernate在从MySQL数据库检索最近记录的数量时出现问题。
英文: Problem with Spring Boot/Hibernate while retrieving the number of recent records from MySQL data...
How to implement lazy loading in Hibernate where the model is created in a different transaction to where the properties are used
英文: How to implement lazy loading in Hibernate where the model is created in a different transaction...
Spring JPA,CrudRepository的save方法是否立即提交到数据库?
英文: Spring JPA, does CrudRepository's save method commit to DB immediately? 问题 默认情况下,Spring Data...
如何将Spring Boot应用程序日志写入PostgreSQL数据库
英文: How to write Springboot application logs to a postgresql database 问题 如何在数据库中实现事务,比如记录日志?例如,用户登录后...
英文: Values are not saved in the database 问题 为什么我发送了数值,但id_house和id_tenant仍然为null?日期已正确保存。如何为公寓设置租户,以...
遍历从 Hibernate 游标返回的对象列表。
英文: iterating the list of objects returned from hibernate ref cursor 问题 我从Hibernate调用了一个存储过程,如下所示。Re...
org.hibernate.id.IdentifierGenerationException: attempted to assign id from null one-to-one property (hibernate+postgres)
英文: org.hibernate.id.IdentifierGenerationException: attempted to assign id from null one-to-one prop...