英文: Spring and TestNG @DataJpaTest does not run AttributeConverters for @Convert annotated attribute...
H2 JDBC错误当您有一张名为”Users”的表时。
英文: H2 JDBC error when you have a table called "Users" 问题 I have translated the provided t...
英文: H2 Database Tables can't be created for DataJpaTests 问题 我的Springboot项目使用MariaDB,并且在正常模式下JPA运...
Spring Boot data.sql初始化H2数据库时存在反斜杠后跟单引号的问题。
英文: Spring Boot data.sql initialization of H2 database has issue with backslash followed by single q...
英文: Example JavaFX app to read and write JPEG images to a database 问题 作为学习JavaFX的一部分,我想看到如何将JPEG图像读取...
GROUP_CONCAT()在H2数据库中出现错误 [42001-214],[42122-214]。
英文: GROUP_CONCAT() error in h2 [42001-214] , [42122-214] 问题 我一直得到这个错误 GROUP_CONCAT("<html>...
some tables wont load into MySQL after running. How do i find the specific problem as im using spring boot to set up my schema, advice?
英文: some tables wont load into MySQL after running. How do i find the specific problem as im using s...
JPA @JoinTable使用复合(2列)主键
英文: JPA @JoinTable with composite (2 column) primary keys 问题 在一个Spring Boot应用中,我有以下的实体定义: @Data @Ent...
无法运行使用H2数据库的JPA Repository的JUnit测试 – 为什么没有返回数据?
英文: Unable to run JUnit test of JPA Repository with H2 database - why is no data returned? 问题 更新: 不知...
MSC000001: Failed to start service org.wildfly.undertow.listener.default:Address already in use /
英文: MSC000001: Failed to start service org.wildfly.undertow.listener.default:Address already in use ...