英文: Detect a file with two arbitrary characters along a file path and move it to another file path i...
使用模式进行 gsub 的方法
英文: How to gsub using patterns 问题 我有一个名为X的列表,其中元素名称如下: down_PK56c-t_S5_L001.clones_IGH 我想要将元素重命名为类似这...
英文: How to extract a string between two points and a dot 问题 我想提取冒号后和点号前的数字序列,即22334455。我尝试使用gsub(&qu...
英文: How to rename identical values in a column within R? 问题 以下是您要翻译的代码部分: Say a data set: a <...
英文: Remove part of string with multiple occurences inside cell 问题 你可以尝试以下的代码来获得你期望的结果: gsub("([^...
英文: Use regular expression to change column names 问题 df的列名例如为: split_the_tree1.zip.name, split_the_t...
英文: Delete string from names in sublists 问题 我需要删除所有出现 "gene-" 的地方。 我尝试了以下代码: lapply(net, F...
Conditional REGEX in R to select text in front of or behind a specific character — "%" in this case
英文: Conditional REGEX in R to select text in front of or behind a specific character --- "%&quo...