英文: Fix groovy Script to mail to multiple receipients 问题 Here's the translated code: monitoringemail...
英文: Groovy: How to fetch the particular list of values from json output 问题 "Expected result :&q...
英文: Why an arbitrary repository, such as nexus/artifactory, defines in maven block in Gradle? 问题 rep...
英文: How to identify paths to files that were modified in the most recent git merge in bash or groovy...
MarkupBuilder – 生成不带封装的属性
英文: MarkupBuilder - Generate attributes without encapsulation 问题 以下是您要翻译的部分: 但它生成了: <consolid...
英文: Generate JSON based on map keys names 问题 我是新手学习Groovy,有一个任务。我有一个看起来像这样的Map: [sessionCampaignName...
英文: Ambiguous method overloading for method de.hybris.platform.tx.DefaultTransaction#execute 问题 我们有一...
MissingMethodException: No signature of method: p.call() when configuring Jenkins Pipeline script from SCM that targets Scripted Pipeline Jenkinsfile
英文: MissingMethodException: No signature of method: p.call() when configuring Jenkins Pipeline scrip...
英文: How to pass directory path as argument to batch file 问题 我正在编写一个管道脚本来调用一个批处理文件,该文件将调用一个.wsf脚本。 我正...
Dependencies in archetype-post-generation.groovy script cannot be resolved
英文: Dependencies in archetype-post-generation.groovy script cannot be resolved 问题 以下是您要翻译的内容: 我在从自定义...