英文: Not able to get data from yahoo finance using IMPORTXML in Google Sheets 问题 我正在尝试获取此股票的“Price/Sa...
英文: How to create a blank row under specific cells? 问题 我正在尝试创建一个公式,以在下面的范围中每次日期变化时创建一行空白行。 这将是最终目标: ...
What is a Formula for Risking 1% of Yesterday's Bankroll for all of Today's Bets in Google Sheets?
英文: What is a Formula for Risking 1% of Yesterday's Bankroll for all of Today's Bets in Goog...
Google Sheets的拖动填充未根据突出显示的单元格正确计算。
英文: Google Sheets Dragfill isn't properly calculating based on highlighted cells 问题 这是正确的公式样式。 单...
英文: XLOOKUP with multiple criteria always gives array size error 问题 I can never get XLOOKUP to work ...
Google Sheet公式 – 通过累积公式重新格式化数据以生成特定的表格
英文: Google Sheet Formula - Reformat data via cumulated formulas to have a specific table 问题 I have t...
In Google Sheets, what formula would let me check if all rows that have a given value in one column also have a specific value in another?
英文: In Google Sheets, what formula would let me check if all rows that have a given value in one col...
英文: Google sheet change cell type based on another cell value 问题 在B2中,我有像(有效证明,无效证明,无证明)这样的值,如果B2的值是...
英文: Google sheets custom function not working with an array 问题 我正在创建一个名为MODINVERSE()的Google表格自定义函数,它...
在Google Sheets中进行搜索/筛选/查找
英文: Searching/Filtering/Finding in Google Sheets 问题 我正在尝试为我的教堂的排班表创建一个搜索功能。我希望最终的效果如下,但还没有弄清楚哪些公式适用于...