英文: Cannot set props of custom Hook (React) dynamically 问题 如何使hint属性可变?我希望它可以显示已登录用户的电子邮件。 我尝试通过分配cu...
Supabase Google auth integration with Capacitor (React) for iOS
英文: Supabase Google auth integration with Capacitor (React) for iOS 问题 我正在尝试将Supabase Google身份验证集成到使...
Apache Airflow如何与Google OAuth登录集成?
英文: Apache Airflow with Google OAuth logins, how? 问题 我们想要使用Google Workspace进行Apache Airflow身份验证。我已根据...
英文: I am getting Access blocked error while trying to get athentication code which i will use to get...
使用Google登录Flutter应用程序托管在AWS上。Flutter Amplify似乎还不够成熟。
英文: Login with Google for Flutter app hosted on AWS. Flutter amplify seems too immature 问题 我想在托管在AWS...
DRF (Django Rest Framework) 验证 Google 令牌
英文: DRF (Django Rest Framework) verify google token 问题 我需要在我的后端 Django Rest Framework 中验证 Google 令牌。...
(gcloud.auth.login) Invalid value for property [core/custom_ca_certs_file]
英文: (gcloud.auth.login) Invalid value for property [core/custom_ca_certs_file] 问题 当我尝试使用 gdloud auth...
Request had insufficient authentication scopes after trying create Schema for google workspace directory with golang client
英文: Request had insufficient authentication scopes after trying create Schema for google workspace d...
E2e testing for Google Login with Puppeteer
英文: E2e testing for Google Login with Puppeteer 问题 以下是已翻译的代码部分: I'm new to Puppeteer and trying ...
在Spring Boot/Security + Google oAuth2中,如何确定用户是否已经通过身份验证?
英文: In Spring Boot/Security + Google oAuth2, how do I determine if a user is already authenticated? ...