英文: Implementation of an interface which contains a struct 问题 我对Go语言中的类型集有些困惑。在Go 1.18之后,Go支持在接口中嵌入结...
为什么从AWS S3下载到内存比从文件系统下载要慢?
英文: Why downloading in memory is slower than downloding in file system from aws s3? 问题 我正在使用AWS gosd...
Can you declare multiple variable types for function arguments if you have multiple types to declare? (Golang)
英文: Can you declare multiple variable types for function arguments if you have multiple types to dec...
英文: Go dependencies from Github - can we be sure that they will be available forever? 问题 我已经做了几年的Jav...
test local go module which is imported using replace directive and use vendor directory from main folder
英文: test local go module which is imported using replace directive and use vendor directory from mai...
英文: goroutine not writting to channel 问题 我是你的中文翻译助手,以下是代码的翻译: func (h *Handler) GeneratePdfFromHTML(...
How to define a type constraint for any channel type
英文: How to define a type constraint for any channel type 问题 我正在尝试定义一个函数,该函数返回给定通道使用率的百分比: func Chann...
英文: Mocking amqp091-go difficulties with interfaces 问题 我正在尝试为一个简化和稍作修改的Go AMQP消费者编写单元测试,用于从RabbitMQ队...
英文: Discrepancy in Bitwise Shift Calculation Results 问题 我遇到了一个问题,我的Go程序的输出存在差异,具体涉及到变量x1和x2。以下是相关的代码...
使用Github Actions部署全栈应用程序(Go + ClojureScript)
英文: Deploying fullstack app with Github Actions (Go + ClojureScript) 问题 我能够构建JavaScript捆绑包和Go二进制文件。但...