英文: AWS ECR images not creating 问题 我正在尝试按照一些教程将我的容器部署到 ECR(Amazon Elastic Container Registry)。(请注意,我...
英文: How to replace a specific line with multiline text in shell 问题 I have line uses: actions/checkou...
问题出在Tailwind和Github Pages部署上。
英文: Problem with Tailwind and Github Pages deployment 问题 我正在部署此 Astro 登陆页面,并且已经按照 Astro 的指南进行了 集成 Ta...
英文: Snakemake workflow runs locally but not as github action? 问题 The provided text appears to be a d...
pytest collects and passes tests locally, but 'collected 0 items' in GitHub Actions workflow (exit code 5)
英文: pytest collects and passes tests locally, but 'collected 0 items' in GitHub Actions work...
Docker容器中的Postgres在使用GitHub Actions推送时未设置任何变量。
英文: Docker container with Postgres has no variables set when pushed with GitHub Actions 问题 I try to ...
Dotnet-format在Github Action中无法运行,因为缺少程序集。
英文: Dotnet-format not running in Github Action due to missing assembly 问题 我已经创建了一个Github操作,用于在CI的一部分...
无法通过 GitHub Actions 中的 lftp 镜像文件。
英文: Can't mirror files via lftp in github actions 问题 我目前正在开发一个GitHub Action,用于通过SFTP将更改的文件上传到服务器...
Rails DirectUpload works fine locally but getting 'Invalid URL' error during GitHub Actions unit testing – why?
英文: Rails DirectUpload works fine locally but getting 'Invalid URL' error during GitHub Acti...
英文: Getting ETA to GitHub Action's completion 问题 这是 GitHub Actions 状态的截图: 是否有一种方法可以显示 GitHub Act...