英文: Does even a single g++ flag warn about nullpointer dereferencing? 问题 I wanted to check whether a...
undefined reference to `llvm::Module::dump() const` 使用g++编译时出现未定义引用错误。
英文: using g++, undefined reference to `llvm::Module::dump() const' 问题 以下是翻译好的部分: 你好,我正在编译以下程序: #...
tbb parallel_for: Object with intrusive list node can be part of only one intrusive list simultaneously
英文: tbb parallel_for: Object with intrusive list node can be part of only one intrusive list simulta...
英文: Looking for a good way to use openMP with recursive code? 问题 I wanted to optimize recursion with...
英文: Redefinition is not allowed in gcc10+ but is allowed in gcc7-9 问题 以下代码将在gcc10及以上版本中失败,但在gcc7到gcc...
Why is that the both are working, but in first its giving some type of problem and in second it doesn't?
英文: Why is that the both are working, but in first its giving some type of problem and in second it ...
英文: Defining include path for mingw compiler 问题 我在尝试在Linux操作系统上使用Mingw编译器进行交叉编译到Windows二进制文件。 在这个非常简...
英文: Are precompield headers a good way to hide code? 问题 我一直在做一个项目,最好能隐藏头文件的内容。我最近想到了预编译头文件。这些东西有多有效的...
英文: Mingw-w64-g++ cross compilation error incompatible libraries 问题 我正在尝试使用x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++和-m...
英文: Meaning of `-l` (lowercase "L") flags in gcc/g++ 问题 What is the meaning of -l (lowerca...