英文: How do I compose these widgets to get this row to display correctly? 问题 我正在处理一个表单,尝试在屏幕上布置组件。要收集...
英文: How to animate custom tab bar kind of widget? 问题 所以我有一个小部件,允许用户从两个或更多选项卡中选择一个选项卡。这在功能上运行良好,但我希望以...
“Auth Error code: 47 当通过电子邮件在Flutter Web和Web App中注册时”
英文: Auth Error code: 47 when sign up via email in Flutter Web and Web App 问题 我正在将一个Flutter Web应用程序(以...
英文: Can we upload file to firebase with file extension in flutter(.pdf or .jpg)? 问题 以下是您提供的文本的中文翻译: ...
改变Flutter ListView中的布局。
英文: Change the layout in flutter listview 问题 I recently started building my first flutter applicatio...
StateError (Bad state: field does not exist within the DocumentSnapshotPlatform) on flutter
英文: StateError (Bad state: field does not exist within the DocumentSnapshotPlatform) on flutter 问题 I...
Null check operator used on a null value waiting for the network image to load
英文: Null check operator used on a null value waiting for the network image to load 问题 当我用 Firebase 用...
Keyboard is hiding textField and screen is not scrolling.
英文: Keyboard is hiding textField and screen is not scrolling 问题 你可以尝试在你的代码中包裹整个Column部分,用SingleChild...
Flutter错误:“PathNotFoundException: 无法打开文件,路径”
英文: Flutter error "PathNotFoundException: Cannot open file, path " 问题 I built an app to up...
英文: flutter custom textheme variables 问题 我想要在主题数据中使用自定义的文本主题,但是我创建的文本主题没有使用我自己的变量名称。如何使用我自己的变量名称创建 T...