英文: Positioned widget with GestureDetector, Dragging a widget will go off the screen 问题 我正在尝试使用Gestu...
Flutter: Riverpod StateNotifier 不会通知状态已更改。
英文: Flutter: Riverpod StateNotifier does not notifies about changed state 问题 我成功地使用StateNotifier与基本数...
Flutter rive_core缓存包出现错误:类’DependencySorter’是抽象的,无法实例化。
英文: Flutter rive_core cached package gives error: The class 'DependencySorter' is abstract a...
Flutter RiverPod – 如何使两个不同的小部件从同一个FutureProvider中获取数据?
英文: Flutter RiverPod - how to have two different widgets draw data from same FutureProvider? 问题 我有一个...
英文: show something on long press flutter 问题 我想点击一个按钮,当我按住它时,在屏幕上显示一些东西。当我离开按钮时,我希望它消失或恢复到第一个位置,就像在我按...
英文: Show button in the last item of a welcomescreen 问题 以下是您要翻译的内容: WelcomeScreen.dart import 'pa...
Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(AndroidAudioError, setDataSource failed., java.io.IOException: setDataSource failed
英文: Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(AndroidAudioError, setDataSource failed., java.io.IOExcep...
出现错误,当运行命令 `flutter build ipa` 自从 Android Studio 更新后。
英文: error when running cmd flutter build ipa since android studio update 问题 我最近将Android Studio升级到Fla...
英文: The argument type 'double' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'double' ...
In Flutter is there any widget for grouping other widgets? like in HTML there is <fieldset> tag?
英文: In Flutter is there any widget for grouping other widgets? like in HTML there is <fieldset>...