英文: flutter lists and provider how to increase an int value in the list? 问题 我正在使用Listview.builder来基于...
英文: BackgroundColor of the Container only wrap the text inside Expanded Widget 问题 I have a design li...
How to resolve "The method 'read' isn't defined for the type 'BuildContext'" error when using Riverpod for state management?
英文: How to resolve "The method 'read' isn't defined for the type 'BuildContext&...
移除列表中的重复项并获取其数量 Dart Flutter
英文: Removing duplicate items in the list and getting their number Dart Flutter 问题 我有一个对象列表,我想去除重复项并将...
英文: Flutter dynamic height gridview 问题 我想创建一个具有最多2列的网格视图的笔记应用程序,每个笔记(容器)都将具有动态高度。也就是说,如果笔记中的内容非常短(&l...
英文: Empty space in container in flutter 问题 import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; void main() { run...
Flutter [只有音频] – 访问正在播放的流链接的原始字节数据
英文: Flutter [Just audio] - Access the raw byte data from a stream link which is being played 问题 我有一个...
英文: Disable / change the color of a button for a certain seconds if it was clicked 问题 我有一个问题。我想在用户点击...
英文: Flutter video player not initialized 问题 我正在尝试使用视频播放器,但似乎无法初始化。 以下是我的代码: late VideoPlayerControll...
创建用户 – 此表达式的类型为 ‘void’,因此无法使用其值。
英文: Flutter/Dart/Firebase Creating User - This expression has a type of 'void' so its value ...