英文: Expo notifications arriving with too much delay on .apk build 问题 我正在开发我的Expo应用,使用Expo通知功能。目前,我正在...
英文: How can I prevent two sounds from playing simultaneously? 问题 在我的应用中,我有两个可按的地方,如果你按其中一个,它会播放相应的声音...
I am redirecting to “Google.com” when tried Google Login in React Native Expo App.
英文: Why I am redirecting to "Google.com" when tried Google Login in React Native Expo App?...
EAS构建(云端而非本地):SDK版本问题 – 该应用是使用iOS 15.5 SDK构建的。
英文: EAS build (cloud not local): SDK version issue - This app was built with the iOS 15.5 SDK 问题 我正在...
React Native + React Query + onError 无法捕获和处理错误?
英文: React native + react-query + onError does not catch and handle error? 问题 I'm using react query a...
查看React Native Expo中的网络选项卡。
英文: See Network Tab In React Native Expo 问题 我刚刚在Expo中开始了一个新的应用程序,因为我的RN CLI应用程序在Xcode更新后被清除了(对发生了什么事...
expo doctor not supported, expo-cli doctor not fixing dependencies
英文: expo doctor not supported, expo-cli doctor not fixing dependencies 问题 I am unable to run npx exp...
Expo React Native的POST方法在Django REST框架的正确路径上不包括媒体。
英文: Expo React Native post method not including MEDIA on Django rest framework right path 问题 I'm her...
如何解决将 react-native-svg 从 12.3.0 升级到 13.4.0 后 fill 属性的错误?
英文: How can i resolve error with fill property after upgrading react-native-svg from 12.3.0 to 13.4....
将Expo Classic的发布通道转换为EAS
英文: Converting Expo Classic's Release Channel to EAS 问题 I have converted our old mobile app to t...