英文: How to get unique combinations of two columns from multiple excel files? 问题 我有一个文件夹中有多个Excel表格。它...
Excel VBA,数组范围问题
英文: Excel VBA, array range issue 问题 我有以下代码,基于“Main”工作表中单元格B5中的用户输入,将搜索输入的零件号码在另外两个工作表,“SHORTAGE”和“PP...
英文: How to display Break page by default with XLSXWRITER 问题 .break page of configuration the added I...
英文: Updating the existing xlsx file from changes in xlsm file 问题 I am using a macro-enabled workbook...
英文: How to highlight duplicate word in a column in spreadsheet, ignoring text case and Punctuation 问...
Formula and encoding issues when saving df to Excel.
英文: Formula and encoding issues when saving df to Excel 问题 Here are the translated parts of your tex...
Is there a way I can filter values of two tables in PowerBI and then do aggregation such as getting the percentages/ratio
英文: Is there a way I can filter values of two tables in PowerBI and then do aggregation such as gett...
将numpy ndarray中的字符串转换为NaN(或更好地替换为插值值)
英文: Convert strings in numpy ndarray to nan (or even better replace by interpolated values) 问题 我有一个包...
英文: Delete the contents of the cell in case of type-mismatch error 问题 我想检查日期并收集超过1年的日期数量。但问题是在检查的列中不...
英文: Web Query missing css elements in the table 问题 我在使用网络查询NCSL免责选民表(<https://www.ncsl.org/electi...