英文: How do i add Restriction to deletion of a gender in a eloquent model / livewire component? 问题 Yo...
How to automatically filter foreign table's deleted_at = null while using join in laravel eloquent?
英文: How to automatically filter foreign table's deleted_at = null while using join in laravel el...
英文: Laravel select column and join table based on input 问题 以下是您的翻译: 我有一个类似这样的查询: ```php $query = Mer...
Laravel SQL 或 Eloquent 高级查询
英文: Laravel SQL Or Eloquent Advanced Query 问题 I need to make an advanced query in Laravel hopefully ...
Laravel 10 ManyToMany关系
英文: Laravel 10 ManyToMany relationship 问题 好的,我明白。 英文: So, in my App an User can have multiple compan...
selectRaw for MONTH(created_at) doesn't work running a test
英文: selectRaw for MONTH(created_at) doesn't work running a test 问题 我在Laravel 10 User模型中有一个函数,用于计...
Laravel eloquent:将belongsToMany关系与hasOne关系组合起来
英文: Laravel eloquent: Combine belongsToMany Relation with hasOne Relation 问题 Is there any chance to ...
英文: How to declare property in model which is calculated in request? 问题 以下是您提供的内容的翻译: 在laravel larav...
英文: Eloquent provider inside composer package in vendor not auto-loading on a dev environment 问题 I'm...
Eloquent可以生成类似于”WHERE (column_1 OR column_2 IS NOT NULL)”的WHERE子句吗?
英文: Can Eloquent generate a WHERE clause like "WHERE (column_1 OR column_2 IS NOT NULL)"? ...