英文: Get index of rows with not equal values across several columns, excluding NA 问题 以下是您要翻译的代码部分: li...
在 mutate 中传递一个变量
英文: Pass a variable in mutate 问题 在这段代码中,您想要处理包含NA值的DataFrame,并尝试使用循环和mutate函数覆盖这些值。但是,您遇到了一个错误。问题出在以...
英文: How to match column names across two dataframes and add a new variable? 问题 output <- rbin...
英文: Calculate percentage depending on a certain column 问题 以下是您要求的代码的翻译部分: 我想知道每一行如何根据列计算百分比? 这是一个虚拟数...
英文: Plot means and sd error bars for both x and y 问题 I can help you with the translation of the prov...
英文: Reshaping data into long forma 问题 I have reshaped the data as per your request: Name Value A B 1...
英文: Row sums with Dplyr and Flextable 问题 以下是翻译好的内容: 我有以下的数据框: structure(list(Annee = c("2021-202...
英文: Select all rows from a dataset using the select function except one 问题 数据集 autompg = read.table(...
In R, how can I create a function that can take values from columns using dplyr::mutate, but also still take specific strings as values?
英文: In R, how can I create a function that can take values from columns using dplyr::mutate, but als...
英文: First and last name permutation in datasets 问题 Here are the translations for the code part of yo...