英文: How to make a slash command with spaces, to "categorize" commands? 问题 如何使斜杠命令带有空格?正如您在...
英文: How can I implement a scheduled message for my discord bot? 问题 以下是您要翻译的内容: 我已经在Python中创建了一个Disco...
英文: bot to send message to a different channel on same server 问题 我正在尝试让我的Discord机器人在响应中有多个项目时,将消息发送到...
英文: How do i get my DiscordClient's uptime in D#+? 问题 如何获取D#+中的DiscordClient运行时间,以及如何修复连接终止错误? 基...
Discord.js v14 – Hug slash command api not connecting correctly to command
英文: Discord.js v14 - Hug slash command api not connecting correctly to command 问题 Here is the transl...
英文: Why Does Discord Say All of My Bot's Commands Require Admin Privileges to be Used? 问题 Discor...
discord.py: sys:1: RuntimeWarning: coroutine ‘Loop._loop’ was never awaited
英文: discord.py: sys:1: RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'Loop._loop' was never awaited 问题 Here's th...
英文: Is it possible to pass a function argument into a decorator? 问题 Here is the translated code port...
英文: How can I call a function from a separate file when using Discord bot with interactions.py? 问题 H...
英文: How to add Accept/Deny button to a submission bot discord.py? 问题 I am trying to make a discord a...