英文: Wanting to add a reaction whenever a message is sent (Using Hikari + Lightbulb) 问题 I'm using Hik...
Cogs TypeError: object NoneType can’t be used in ‘await’ expression in discord.py
英文: Cogs TypeError: object NoneType can't be used in 'await' expression in discord.py 问题...
英文: My Discord bot is not responding to messages/not even outputting to terminal? 问题 尝试创建一个有点复杂的机器人,...
英文: How to remove a specific reaction from message 问题 I'm developing a simple game in discord.py/pyc...
Discord.py 不响应 @client.event 命令
英文: Discord.py not responding to @client.event commands 问题 I am not getting a "ping" respo...
英文: The bot does not mention messages 问题 我阅读了discord.py文档,并根据其编写了这段代码,但它没有生效。 @client.command() asyn...
英文: Get bot to unmute self when joining an afk channel 问题 I am working on a discord bot for my priva...
Discord.py Guild.bans() 缺少 1 个必需的位置参数: ‘self’
英文: Discord.py Guild.bans() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self' 问题 Code: @tree.co...
英文: How to make a discord.py event listener that deletes any new thread in a specific channel forum?...
英文: How to make a discord.py event delete any new threads created that don't match a specific re...