英文: Many to many relationship or one to many with a separate pivot table? 问题 表格 clients 可以拥有多个用户。99....
英文: How to set multiple fields as sort keys? 问题 我有一个 DynamoDB 表,我希望将 3 个字段的组合设为唯一值(user-id、subscript...
英文: AntDB cluster service is unavailable, how to solve it? 问题 我是AntDB的新用户,在使用它时遇到了一些问题,我不知道该怎么办。AntD...
英文: Why don't I see partition pruning for my query based on generate_series()? 问题 我正在使用 PostgreS...
Difference between Stagining Area and ODS in Datawarehouse Modeling
英文: Difference between Stagining Area and ODS in Datawarehouse Modeling 问题 我正在进行一个BI项目,我有一个很大的困惑。 我的...
英文: What's the difference between a DataMart and a Fact Table? 问题 我实际上不太理解"DataMart"的确...
Create a record while selecting data from different table in prisma and both have the same relation to the parent table
英文: Create a record while selecting data from different table in prisma and both have the same relat...
英文: Can I store textual fields in fact table of Datawarehouse? 问题 我有一个名为Fact_Employee_Ratings的事实表,这些...
如何在 PostgreSQL 中保留自动生成的列,即使删除了源列?
英文: How do I keep auto-generated columns in PostgreSQL even after removing the source columns? 问题 我有...
英文: How to autoincrement ID value when there are 2 primary keys in an SQL table? 问题 我正在制作一个包括帖子和评论的社...