英文: Linked List Array Based Implementation- Print Method Not Compiling 问题 以下是你提供的代码的翻译部分: 链表类: publi...
英文: minimum number of groups of kids with difference of ages between any 2 students is at most 1 问题 ...
英文: implementation of LinkedList without last node 问题 以下是你要翻译的内容: 我被要求重新实现一个没有使用尾节点的链表。因此,我必须更改链表的方法...
英文: Why is the call via stream() so much more time consuming than with if-clauses? 问题 为什么这个方法: publi...
英文: What should One learn first? Java Collection Frameworks or Data structures and Algorithms? 问题 我已...
Arrays.sort(ind, (l, r) -> nums[l] – nums[r]);
英文: Arrays.sort(ind, (l, r) -> nums[l] - nums[r]); 问题 这段代码是使用Java编写的,主要涉及了数组排序和Lambda表达式的使用。该代码的目...
英文: How to make graph traversal algorithm to work with large graph? 问题 // SUBMODULE: bfs // IMPORT: ...
In an ArrayList if an element is removed at index 0 using remove(), then what will be the time complexity?
英文: In an ArrayList if an element is removed at index 0 using remove(), then what will be the time c...
英文: Why is my recursive dfs function returning the wrong value? 问题 尝试解决LeetCode问题,但在这个树问题上卡住了。我的解决方案...
list add&remove method
英文: list add&remove method 问题 public static void removeMid(ArrayList<Integer> o) { int low...