英文: Clicking checkboxes with Selenium WebDriver java 问题 我有些困难,无法让一些复选框被点击。通常的XPath不起作用,也没有ID。我已经附上了H...
I am able to click on filter option on website,my question is " filter option was opened by using xpath and at a time filter option will be closed"
英文: I am able to click on filter option on website,my question is " filter option was opened by...
Webdriver: Locate typefield via placeholder text then text via sendkey("test text") into the typefield
英文: Webdriver: Locate typefield via placeholder text then text via sendkey("test text") in...
英文: I want to extract all <li> element text that are under <ul> 问题 <div class="he...
英文: How to send text to the amount field within the Angular Page using Selenium and Java 问题 我想在以下网址的...
点击特定实例以使用 CSS 选择器选择按钮。
英文: Click on particular instance for a button using CSS selector 问题 我有一个网页,上面有多个提交按钮。我想循环遍历它们,逐个点击。 ...
How to extract the text 73 from the text 1-16 of 73 results from the search result summary within https://www.amazon.com using Selenium and Java
英文: How to extract the text 73 from the text 1-16 of 73 results from the search result summary withi...
英文: How to click the element if the value of the id attribute starts with numbers using Selenium in ...
英文: How to choose an address from the auto suggestion of google map using Selenium and Java 问题 我正在自动...
如何使用Selenium WebDriver通过Java等待所有加载程序消失
英文: How to wait until all loaders disappears using Selenium WebDriver through Java 问题 我正在使用Selenium ...