英文: When setting up an interrupt on timer expiry with signal.h and time.h, is it required to put the...
英文: How to remove unwanted data padding from custom sections on XC16 问题 It seems you're dealing with...
英文: Is every null pointer constant a null pointer? 问题 从C17草案( ¶3)中: 值为0的整数常量表达式,或将此类表达式强制转换为类...
英文: How to create a user defined sized 2d array of struct in C 问题 Sure, here's the translated code p...
When is it necessary or meaningful to write &f for a function f or *fp for a function pointer fp (except in: sizeof &f)?
英文: When is it necessary or meaningful to write &f for a function f or *fp for a function pointe...
Python 到 C,使用 SWIG 设计模式处理带有输入和输出 void 指针参数的函数。
英文: Python to C, SWIG design pattern for a function with input and output void pointer arguments 问题 ...
嵌套的 switch case 中的情况不会运行。
英文: Cases in nested switch case won't run 问题 这个程序是用来计算菜品价格的。用户需要输入项目编号,它将根据用户选择的大小计算菜品的总价格。但是,第二...
英文: What c compiler does nim use to make exe file? 问题 我安装nim后,需要安装gcc或其他c编译器来编译我的代码成可执行文件吗?如果需要,它使用哪...
Calling a CPP function from C with no header file
英文: Calling a CPP function from C with no header file 问题 我不明白,如果没有.h文件,那么如何进行'connection'。这是代码: 文件 m...
英文: why does this not print the string? 问题 Here's the translated code without the comments: #include...