英文: Continuously increasing map ids in eBPF 问题 I am running eBPF sockops program. During testing, I ...
操作 argv(假设)和语言漏洞
英文: Manipulating argv (assumptions) and language loopholes 问题 当解析 argv 时,参考: int main (int argc, cha...
英文: Why do we need instantation of enum type in C? 问题 我们假设在C代码中的主函数外声明了一个enum。 我们可以在函数内部访问enum的成员而不会...
英文: Realloc inside function doesn't work as expected 问题 我正在处理一个程序,成功地隔离了不工作的部分,但我无法弄清楚为什么它不起作用。 ...
英文: Can't figure out why node pointer was assigned NULL on a lecture example from CS50 (Week 5) ...
英文: Define a two-dimensional macro array for use in multiple functions 问题 所以例如: #define char fruits[...
Print to stdout without `printf`, `puts`, `putchar`, etc
英文: Print to stdout without `printf`, `puts`, `putchar`, etc 问题 #include <stdio.h> int _putcha...
英文: C program Dice game output not expected 问题 I have reviewed your code and the desired output. It ...
‘auto’ 关键字对C编译器编写者有什么用处?
英文: Why is the 'auto' keyword useful for compiler writers in C? 问题 我目前正在阅读《Expert C Programm...
英文: Why do I get a segmentation fault in this Boggle Search program? 问题 我在搜索`main`函数中的`searchBoggle`...