英文: Embedding and iterating over custom faces in CGAL Delaunay triangulation 问题 我在我的C++应用程序中使用CGAL库执...
英文: No members available of 'array' class in C++ 问题 我可能遇到了迄今为止最愚蠢的错误。 我正在使用Visual Studio 202...
[start/2 + mid/2] 和 [(start + mid)/2] 在二分查找中有什么区别?
英文: What is the difference between [start/2 + mid/2] and [(start + mid)/2] in binary search? 问题 在二分查...
英文: Unpack variadic template to initializer_list and call two functions at once 问题 我有两个向量: std::vect...
Running C++ dll in C# for calling functions
英文: Running C++ dll in C# for calling functions 问题 以下是要翻译的内容: 我有一段 `C++` 代码,我想将其打包成一个 dll 并在 `C#` 代码...
a function-definition is not allowed here before ‘:’ token
英文: a function-definition is not allowed here before ‘:’ token 问题 在尝试编写下面的代码以迭代遍历unordered_map时,我遇到了...
非法调用非静态成员函数 – C++
英文: Illegal call of non-static member function - C++ 问题 我正在尝试在C++中实现一个接口,但当我尝试在派生类中使用一些方法时,我遇到了标题中的问...
`reinterpret_cast` 的安全使用
英文: Safe usage of `reinterpret_cast` 问题 如果我有一组整数类型的聚合体,并且我想要用随机数创建一个实例,这里使用reinterpret_cast是否安全? tem...
Need to call a function in C, that function has been defined in C++ and declared in customized header file, but facing <iostream> error
英文: Need to call a function in C, that function has been defined in C++ and declared in customized h...
英文: Is redefinition of a pointer prohibited in c++ despite the pointer not being const? 问题 在我正在跟随的教程...