英文: IHostEnvironment.EnvironmentName VS Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT&...
WebClient 授权 C# x-access-token
英文: WebClient Authorization C# x-access-token 问题 I try to get json from api (https://www.goldapi.io)...
Visual Studio LTSC 17.2 Feature 'static local functions' is not available in C# 7.3. Please use language version 8.0 or greater
英文: Visual Studio LTSC 17.2 Feature 'static local functions' is not available in C# 7.3. Ple...
创建一个在按下 Ctrl+C 时输出一行内容并退出的控制台应用程序。
英文: Creating a console app that writes line of output and exits upon Ctrl+C 问题 我想创建一个控制台应用程序,在使用 Ctr...
WindowsApp AppWindow content
英文: WindowsApp AppWindow content 问题 Windows 11 VS2022 WinUI3 Desktop WindowsAppSDK 1.2.230 .Net core...
Switch App Shell Tab programmatically to current page on tab, not with GotoAsync – Xamarin Forms/Maui App Shell
英文: Switch App Shell Tab programmatically to current page on tab, not with GotoAsync - Xamarin Forms...
英文: Process async tasks of different result types as they complete 问题 我试图在异步任务完成时/当它们完成时处理每个任务的结果。这些...
Custom logger configurations overwritten by last configuration entry.
英文: Custom logger configurations overwritten by last configuration entry 问题 目前,我有两种类型的自定义日志记录器,它们都有自...
英文: How do I use native (p/invoke) overlapped IO from C# utilizing async/await? 问题 我想要以一种支持异步/等待的方式在...
英文: Trying to use automapper to map a list of objects 问题 我在MappingProfile.cs中有以下代码: public class Map...