英文: What is the collision 问题 I've been cracking my head for a couple of hours and still don't get wh...
英文: how to bold a text in message template in format string c# 问题 将以下部分翻译为中文: 如何使下面的“Code”加粗? Code: ...
能否在X++代码中使用C# .dll文件,而不将其添加到引用中?
英文: Is it possible to use C# .dll file in X++ code without adding it into reference? 问题 I have the f...
Using `ConcurrentDictionary<String, SemaphoreSlim>` with thousands or even millions of entries to lock only on specific keys
英文: Using `ConcurrentDictionary<String, SemaphoreSlim>` with thousands or even millions of ent...
Taking snapshot Vlc.DotNet.Form to variable Bitmap in C#
英文: Taking snapshot Vlc.DotNet.Form to variable Bitmap in C# 问题 我们需要在C#中从UDP视频流中处理图像。在项目中,我们可以获取图像并将...
“String was not recognized as a valid TimeSpan. Error in C# inserting time to SQL database.”
英文: String was not recognized as a valid TimeSpan. Error in C# inserting time to SQL database 问题 我正在...
Issue translating method reference to SQL EF 6
英文: Issue translating method reference to SQL EF 6 问题 EF 6不能将第一种方法(方法引用)翻译为SQL,因为它试图将C#代码映射到SQL查询时遇到...
英文: Avalonia Radiobutton Style 问题 我在我的Window.Resources中有这段代码: <Style Selector="RadioButton.Na...
MongoDB C# 批量更新嵌套数组元素
英文: MongoDB C# Bulk Update of nested array elements 问题 以下是您提供的内容的中文翻译: 我希望有人能指点我正确的方向 我正在尝试利用MongoDB...
适应表单大小至 Dock 大小(或将 Dock 大小调整至表单大小)在 C# 中。
英文: Adapt form to Dock size (or Dock size to the size of the dock) in C# 问题 I understand your reques...