英文: Understanding EF Core Relationships: Why Include public int BlogId { get; set; } and public Blog...
Understanding EF Core Relationships: Why Include public int BlogId { get; set; } and public Blog Blog { get; set; } in the Post Class?
英文: Understanding EF Core Relationships: Why Include public int BlogId { get; set; } and public Blog...
Tizen .NET NUI应用程序的状态变化和响应式组件是什么?
英文: State changes and reactive components for Tizen .NET NUI apps? 问题 我有一个使用NUI的简单Tizen .NET应用程序。我想创...
状态更改和响应式组件适用于Tizen .NET NUI应用程序吗?
英文: State changes and reactive components for Tizen .NET NUI apps? 问题 我有一个使用NUI的简单Tizen .NET应用程序。我想创...
.net 7.0 Kestrel appsettings.json 配置用于 Unix 套接字
英文: .net 7.0 kestrel appsettings.json configuration for unix sockets 问题 我有一个用C#编写的开源服务应用程序,在Linux上运行...
.net 7.0 kestrel appsettings.json 配置用于 Unix 套接字
英文: .net 7.0 kestrel appsettings.json configuration for unix sockets 问题 我有一个用C#编写的开源服务应用程序,运行在.NET 7...
When implementing C# Maui XAML popup what can cause error 'InitializeComponent does not exist' or 'Popup could not be found' and what is resolution?
英文: When implementing C# Maui XAML popup what can cause error 'InitializeComponent does not exis...
英文: How to hide/exclude property from SwaggerResponse Model? Not Request but Response 问题 以下是需要从Swagg...
英文: Why does C# allow the usage of the + operator in generic classes with constrain INumber while VB...
Entity Framework编译查询容器是什么?
英文: Entity Framework compiled query container? 问题 我认为以下内容要么是一个好主意,如果是这样的话,可能有人可以指导我实现它的代码。要么是一个愚蠢的主意...