英文: requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema: no connection adapters were found. I'm trying to iterate ...
无法使用 requests 和 Beautiful Soup 抓取动画的用户评分详细信息。
英文: Cannot extract the user score details for the anime while scraping using requests and Beautiful ...
英文: Get email from website-link which only can be seen when its manually clicked? 问题 我想从这个网站获取电子邮件地址...
英文: Unable to extract bubble rating and date of stay in TripAdvisor hotel reviews using Selenium 问题 ...
‘NoneType’ 对象没有属性 ‘get_text’ 在使用 BeautifulSoup 时出错
英文: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_text' Error while using BeautifulSoup 问题...
英文: how to extract the texts after the first h1 Tag? 问题 我尝试编写一段代码,以获取并清理每天100个网站的文本。我遇到了一个问题,有一个网站有多...
Why is it that the url I use changes whenever I run the code but when I paste it manually it works fine?
英文: Why is it that the url I use changes whenever I run the code but when I paste it manually it wor...
英文: Why is BeautifulSoup returning None when scraping google search results? 问题 我正在尝试使用BeautifulSoup...
Web Scraping Yahoo Finance Python
英文: Web Scraping Yahoo Finance Python 问题 我正在尝试收集Yahoo财务数据,以便从利润表、资产负债表和现金流量报表中获取给定股票代码的DataFrame。(以下...
英文: How to find HTML elements by multiple tags with selenium 问题 我需要使用selenium从一个网页中抓取数据。我需要找到以下元素: `...