英文: Setting xticks moves all bars to the left side of the figure 问题 我正在尝试设置每10年的x轴刻度标签。然而,当设置x轴刻度范围时...
How do I show the results of a measure 3 months after the start date (chosen dynamically on a slicer) on a bar graph in Power BI?
英文: How do I show the results of a measure 3 months after the start date (chosen dynamically on a sl...
英文: x axis value ranges not sequential in seaborn barplot & pointplot as subplots 问题 以下是您的数据框翻译部...
英文: How can I merge multiple charts? 问题 你好,以下是您要翻译的内容: "I have 3 charts one bar plot and 2 line...
英文: Avoid cut geom_label() with facet_wrap() 问题 在下图中,我将数据分为四组,通过 facet_wrap() 进行分隔。然而,这些组的数据分布不均匀,因此...
英文: How to put labels between axis values and add a second Y axis 问题 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt...
英文: How to annotate grouped bars with percent for each index 问题 ax = df.plot(kind='bar', yla...
英文: How can I make this plot better? 问题 以下是翻译好的部分: "Has anyone get any advise on how to make th...
Using R to plot a stacked bargraph but the legend does not show up, using GridDB as my database.
英文: Using R to plot a stacked bargraph but the legend does not show up , using GridDB as my database...
英文: How to plot bars against percent and annotate with the value 问题 I couldn't expand bars height to...