英文: Keda servicebus: All the messages getting processed by some pods of keda scaledJob 问题 I am using...
Azure服务总线订阅启用自动删除 Bicep
英文: Azure service bus subscription enable auto delete bicep 问题 I am reading this doco: https://learn...
ServiceBusSessionReceiverAsyncClient 在关闭时抛出 IllegalStateException。
英文: ServiceBusSessionReceiverAsyncClient throwing IllegalStateException During Close 问题 使用Servicebus...
英文: Can AzureClientServiceCollectionExtensions.AddAzureClients be called multiple times? 问题 AzureCli...
Does ServiceBusReceiver use a pull or a push communication model when talking to Azure Service Bus?
英文: Does ServiceBusReceiver use a pull or a push communication model when talking to Azure Service B...
暴露我的Azure Service Bus连接字符串是不安全的。
英文: It is insecure to expose my Azure Service Bus connection string? 问题 Title. 我可以考虑任何形式的DoS或有人发送垃圾消...
关联 ID 在 MassTransit 和 Azure 服务总线中缺少破折号
英文: Correlation Id missing dashes with MassTransit and Azure Service Bus 问题 在使用 MassTransit 和 Azure ...
如何从隔离的Service Bus触发Azure函数中访问队列名称?
英文: How can I access Queue Name from with in Isolated Service Bus Trigger Azure Function middleware?...
无法通过命令行界面使用标签筛选 Azure 资源。
英文: Unable to filter Azure resource using tags through cli 问题 我有多个具有标签 site:prod 的命名空间资源 az tag list...
How do I keep my consumer listening the messages on Azure Sevice Bus using Azure sdk for Golang v0.3.1?
英文: How do I keep my consumer listening the messages on Azure Sevice Bus using Azure sdk for Golang ...