英文: How to dynamically select between variable groups when running an Azure pipeline 问题 我们有一个要使用不同配置...
英文: Why is WEBSITE_ENABLE_SYNC_UPDATE_SITE part of App Service Configuration 问题 由于某种原因,我们所有的Azure应用服...
英文: squash hundreds of commits and rebase kicks off a large conflict resolution 问题 我有一个名为"长期特性&...
Git rebase无限循环,有数百次提交,从未处于最新状态。
英文: Git rebase infinite loop with several hundred commits and never up-to-date 问题 我已经在一个功能分支上工作了几个月,...
英文: How Can We Deploy an Azure Logic App (Consumption Plan) to Azure Using DevOps? 问题 我们一直在寻找有关如何使用D...
英文: Merging folders in the same branch in GIT like TFVC 问题 I've been using TFVC on Azure DevOps for ...
Flux 失败克隆存储库。
英文: Flux failed to clone repository 问题 我试图按照这份文档更新我的Flux,链接在此: https://fluxcd.io/flux/use-cases/azur...
Azure管道问题 – none.js版本
英文: Azure pipelinne issue - none.js version 问题 I'm a little new to Azure and am trying to deploy a p...
Where should link between Azure Function and Azure Keyvault be configured?
英文: Where should link between Azure Function and Azure Keyvault be configured? 问题 I'm developing an ...
Classic Azure Pipeline中的Pester为什么总是失败?
英文: Why does Pester in Classic Azure Pipeline always fail? 问题 I have a classic build pipeline (not y...