英文: DevOps Pipeline does not update pods 问题 I have a AKS infrastructure where I deploy my projects u...
Azure RBAC在AKS中的角色是否按照文档中描述的工作?
英文: Does Azure RBAC roles for AKS work as described in documentation? 问题 我正在尝试在现有的 AKS 集群上实施 Azure R...
How to use a static public IP address and DNS label when creating new aks cluster in bicep template?
英文: How to use a static public IP address and DNS label when creating new aks cluster in bicep templ...
Azure Kubernetes Service managed control plane authentication with resources like nodes in non-Microsoft tenant
英文: Azure Kubernetes Service managed control plane authentication with resources like nodes in non-M...
Error: 无法查询可用的提供者包
英文: Error: Failed to query available provider packages 问题 I'm trying to run AKS using terraform(vers...
Kubernetes KEDA scaledjob is not responding.
英文: Kubernetes KEDA scaledjob is not responding 问题 我们正在使用配置在AKS集群中的Azure DevOps代理,使用Keda scaledjobs。...
How do I programmatically connect to an AKS(Azure kubernetes service) cluster and create a K8 clientset in Golang?
英文: How do I programmatically connect to an AKS(Azure kubernetes service) cluster and create a K8 cl...
Flux 失败克隆存储库。
英文: Flux failed to clone repository 问题 我试图按照这份文档更新我的Flux,链接在此: https://fluxcd.io/flux/use-cases/azur...
只允许 Azure Kubernetes 服务中的一个容器同时处理一个请求。
英文: Limit one container to handling only 1 request at the time in Azure Kubernetes Services 问题 如何确保一...
Azure Workload Identity with Spark on Kubernetes
英文: Azure Workload Identity with Spark on Kubernetes 问题 如何配置Spark以使用Azure Workload Identity访问AKS pod...