英文: Using MgGraph PowerShell 1.0 - Update-MgGroup -AdditionalProperties how to update the resourceBe...
不清除令牌在使用 Angular、MSAL 和 Azure AD B2C 时退出登录
英文: Not clearing token when logging out using Angular, MSAL and Azure AD B2C 问题 我已经从https://github.c...
Generate/retrieve a SAS token programmatically for specific Blob/File under azure storage account via REST API in POSTMAN and then in IBM APP Connect
英文: Generate/retrieve a SAS token programmatically for specific Blob/File under azure storage accoun...
How to configure aad b2c custom policy to use local accounts + other clients
英文: How to configure aad b2c custom policy to use local accounts + other clients 问题 I need to config...
Creating an AKS cluster with Kubernetes RBAC and AD Integration using a Service Principal. How can it also assign itself cluster admin?
英文: Creating an AKS cluster with Kubernetes RBAC and AD Integration using a Service Principal. How c...
导入 Azure Active Directory 组到 Terraform
英文: Importing Azure Active Directory groups on Terraform 问题 使用Terraform的azuread提供程序,我试图创建组,读取类似于此的CS...
Assign random passwords while creating multiple Azure Active Directory users with Terraform reading a CSV file
英文: Assign random passwords while creating multiple Azure Active Directory users with Terraform read...
英文: Insert User through Sharepoint batch send HTTP Request Connector 问题 我需要使用SP连接器 - 发送HTTP请求将项目插入Sh...
如何解决这个类型错误:X ‘不可分配给类型’IntrinsicAttributes&Props’
英文: How to solve this type Error: X ' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & P...
使用Microsoft Azure AD在多租户应用中进行身份验证
英文: Authentication with Microsoft Azure AD in a multi-tenant app 问题 根据文档,已在任何组织目录中注册了一个应用程序。应用程序所在的租...