英文: Using "memory_order::relaxed" or "memory_order::acq_rel" to generate unique ...
Is it atomic operation when exchange std::atomic with itself?
英文: Is it atomic operation when exchange std::atomic with itself? 问题 以下是您要翻译的内容: "Will followin...
C++ atomics using memory_order_acquire without a matching memory_order_release
英文: C++ atomics using memory_order_acquire without a matching memory_order_release 问题 在这种情况下,Thread ...
英文: Acquire-release memory model for two consecutive atomic operations 问题 以下代码将写入原子变量A和B,并在另一个线程中以相反...
Why supporting atomic.Load and atomic.Store in Go?
英文: Why supporting atomic.Load and atomic.Store in Go? 问题 我认为atomic.Load(addr)应该等于*addr,atomic.Store...
Best way to implement an atomic counter in map in Go
英文: Best way to implement an atomic counter in map in Go 问题 我想在Go语言中实现一个原子计数器,它存储在一个map(map[string]i...
英文: Concurrency vs parallelism in Golang 问题 我正在尝试在Golang和Rust中实现双比较并交换(可能还有MWCAS),由于没有CPU支持该指令,我需要找到...
Simulating waitgroups using Go atomics
英文: Simulating waitgroups using Go atomics 问题 我有以下代码来生成一些Goroutine。每个Goroutine执行不同数量的工作(在这里通过不同的循环长度...
英文: Question on the go memory model,the last example 问题 我对Go语言的内存模型有一个问题。 在上面的例子中: type T struct { m...
英文: Efficiency comparation in `sync.Mutex`, `sync.Map`, and `atomic.Value` 问题 当我比较Go语言中的sync.mu、sync...