英文: How to consume the last 5 minutes data in Kafka using confluent kakfa python package? 问题 我目前能够消费...
英文: Java common variable across the objects for a request 问题 I using Kafka to get a message and upda...
Kafka lag with read_uncommitted isolation level.
英文: Kafka lag with read_uncommitted isolation level 问题 未提交的记录在 Kafka 滞后中计算吗,如果消费者配置为仅读取已提交的记录? 我阅读了文...
RetryTopicConfigurationSupport produces exception: Either a RetryTopicSchedulerWrapper or TaskScheduler bean is required
英文: RetryTopicConfigurationSupport produces exception: Either a RetryTopicSchedulerWrapper or TaskSc...
修改 MSK 连接器中的 client.dns.lookup
英文: Alter client.dns.lookup in MSK connector 问题 我有一个AWS MSK托管连接器,似乎使用了这个默认配置 - client.dns.lookup = u...
连接 Kafka 流与全局 K 表,使用非键值方式。
英文: Kafka- Joining a Kafka Stream with a Global K Table using non key value 问题 I've seen multiple po...
Apache Kafka 版本 2.1.1 和 log4j 最新版本 2.17
英文: Apache Kafka v. 2.1.1 and log4j latest v 2.17 问题 我们在将log4j从1.2.17升级到2.17以避免Log4j引起的漏洞时,在Zookeepe...
How to handle unconsumed message in kafka without using the DLQ
英文: How to handle unconsumed message in kafka without using the DLQ 问题 我正在使用Kafka发送消息到特定主题,并使用特定的消费者...
Kafka General A client SSLEngine created with the provided settings can't connect to a server SSLEngine created with those settings
英文: Kafka General A client SSLEngine created with the provided settings can't connect to a serve...
Could not determine output schema for query due to error: Can't find any functions with the name 'OUNT_DISTINCT'
英文: Could not determine output schema for query due to error: Can't find any functions with the ...