英文: android app LocalDate alternative for older API level 问题 我正在构建一个日历应用,在我的代码中主要使用LocalDate来设置我的Rec...
Can I develop wear os app using android studio for Samsung watch5 and install in it by BT and Play store
英文: Can I develop wear os app using android studio for Samsung watch5 and install in it by BT and Pl...
在Android Studio Flamingo上遇到了与Gradle和JDK相关的”Unsupported Java”错误。
英文: Getting "Unsupported Java" Gradle and JDK related error on Android Studio Flamingo 问题 ...
Android模拟器错误:”已连接到设备。无法提供互联网” 如何解决?
英文: Android emulator error " Connected to device. Can't provide internet " How to solv...
如果我的Android Studio的空白活动未生成布局文件,我该怎么办?
英文: What should I do if my Android Studio's empty activity is not generating the layout file? 问题...
为什么在使用 Kotlin Android Studio 中的对话框时,画笔大小选项不显示?
英文: Why are the brush size options not appearing when using Dialogs in Kotlin Android Studio? 问题 当我输...
英文: Why is the flashlight blinking not starting when running the application from the phone? 问题 手机在通...
英文: Problem writing an app that can startup after reboot 问题 AndroidManifest.xml <?xml version=...
I did some Android studio tutorials and made an App with Kotlin. On 1 screen all works as I like but open a 2nd screen via a button wont work
英文: I did some Android studio tutorials and made an App with Kotlin. On 1 screen all works as I like...
设置Android Studio中TimePicker XML的颜色时出现问题。
英文: Trouble setting color for TimePicker XML Android Studio 问题 正如您所看到的,当选择AM和PM时,颜色很难看清楚,取消和确定也很难看清楚...