英文: Why does an activity playing a sound disturb the user interface? 问题 我想在用户点击通知时显示通知并播放声音。当我使用活动播放...
英文: Android Repeated Notifications not working When App is Closed 问题 我想在特定时间每天发送通知。当应用程序打开时,代码可以正常工作...
英文: How can I know which button was clicked in the notification? 问题 这是我的通知代码; public void Notificati...
Opening Android app using notification & getLaunchIntentForPackage doesn't go through LauncherActivity
英文: Opening Android app using notification & getLaunchIntentForPackage doesn't go through La...
英文: Stop Notification from being destroyed when the app closes 问题 我正在制作一个安卓应用程序,允许用户按下按钮,显示一个带有倒计时定时...
英文: Notification is not showing when data is changing from firestore 问题 public class ListenOrder ext...
AndroidTV get notification icon
英文: AndroidTV get notification icon 问题 我正在尝试获取 Android TV 上活动通知的图标。我需要将其编码为 base64 格式并发送到 React Nati...
How to create an intent to an Activity but with updated content (not initial)?
英文: How to create an intent to an Activity but with updated content (not initial)? 问题 I'll provide a...
How to open url in external browser on Tap on android push notifications?
英文: How to open url in external browser on Tap on android push notifications? 问题 I am trying to open...
英文: Getting a failed to post notification on channel "channel_id_here" error 问题 以下是翻译好的代码部...