英文: anaconda 3 directory remains after uninstall 问题 请注意,根据Anaconda文档的建议,我已删除ANACONDA3\envs和ANACONDA3...
为什么 Visual Studio Code 打开第二个 Python 终端并且破坏了第一个?
英文: Why opens Visual Studio Code a second Python terminal and breaks the first? 问题 自今早开始,我的Visual St...
Miniconda VS Code Output Not Running From Code Runner Output Tab
英文: Miniconda VS Code Output Not Running From Code Runner Output Tab 问题 I am an absolute beginner us...
Windows: 每当打开终端时,Anaconda基本环境会自动激活。
英文: Windows: Anaconda base environment automatically gets activated whenever terminal is opened 问题 每...
冲突 pyinstaller vs pathlib –> 移除 pathlib 导致删除 anaconda 导航器
英文: Conflict pyinstaller vs pathlib --> removing pathlib causes deletion of anaconda navigator 问题...
VS Code显示’random’模块被覆盖,如何解决?
英文: VS Code showing 'random' module overriding, how to solve it? 问题 我导入了Python中的random模块并尝试运...
Anaconda错误: 使用pip更新/安装库时出现无效的分发-atplotlib
英文: Anaconda Error: Invalid Distribution -atplotlib When Updating/Installing Library with Pip 问题 我在尝...
In which one of the "~/pythonX.X/site-packages/" should I put my self-written package when I have anaconda and different environments?
英文: In which one of the "~/pythonX.X/site-packages/" should I put my self-written package ...
suspicious/unfamiliar packages with anaconda and pip?
英文: suspicious/unfamiliar packages with anaconda and pip? 问题 我只是刚刚下载了Anaconda,软件包列表看起来很长。这看起来正常吗?当我在...
Installing python packages in Mac.
英文: Installing python pacakages in Mac 问题 我是Python的新用户,正在尝试在Visual Code中使用Anaconda安装一个包。我输入以下代码: pip...