英文: Encountered unsupported property VpcId 问题 以下是已翻译的内容: "我正在编写一个CloudFormation模板,用于在EC2实例上安装SS...
英文: correct policy to get secrets on local go app 问题 我正在使用AWS上的一个小项目进行开发: 使用golang编写的应用程序 RDS/MySQL数...
循环遍历 IAM 用户的 ARN,以传递给 aws_lakeformation_permissions。
英文: Looping through iam user arn's to pass to aws_lakeformation_permissions 问题 我正在定义湖泊形成权限,我想循环遍...
DataDog CloudTrail 集成缺少 ListObject 权限
英文: DataDog CloudTrail integration missing ListObject permission 问题 我今天在我的AWS账户上安装了DataDog AWS Cloud...
在使用AWS SSO与第三方SSO帐户时获取CLI凭据的任何方法?
英文: Any way to get CLI credentials when using AWS SSO with a 3rd party SSO account? 问题 对于我们的内部AWS帐户,...
What is the difference between users presented in Identity and Access Managenment (IAM) and IAM identity center?
英文: What is the difference between users presented in Identity and Access Managenment (IAM) and IAM ...
eb create can't see Unable to assign role, needs to verify that you have permission to pass this role: aws-elasticbeanstalk-service-role
英文: eb create can't see Unable to assign role, needs to verify that you have permission to pass ...
Role.addToPolicy() 只适用于新角色。
英文: Role.addToPolicy() only on new Role 问题 addtoPolicy方法在通过名称(或ARN)获取现有角色时为什么不可用?fromRoleName方法应该返回一...
发送通知当发生 AWS SSO 承担角色的 CloudTrail 事件。
英文: Send notification when a CloudTrail event occurs for AWS SSO assume role 问题 My requirement is to...
如何在S3 Bucket策略中为IAM组授予权限
英文: How to give permission to an IAM group in S3 Bucket policy 问题 我想能够在策略中指定一个 IAM 组作为主体,但我已经阅读到你不能在...