英文: AES CBC algorithm/padding in java/angular 问题 我已经在Angular中编写了这段代码以对字符串进行加密: import { Injectable }...
英文: Python code seems logically equivalent but one is failing and the other is not 问题 以下是Bellman-For...
英文: How to substract a list of numbers from another list of numbers until 0 in java 问题 I have 2 list...
英文: Here is a recursive program that gives wrong output, please help me 问题 这是一段关于在书中看到的程序的描述,它包括一个名为...
英文: Why is python returning 13/5 as 0? (working on reverse polish notation problem) 问题 我在LeetCode上解决...
英文: Is it possible to combine coroutines and templates from `<algorithm>` header? 问题 我编写了许多基于T...
PyQGIS, 自定义处理算法: 如何仅使用选定的要素?
英文: PyQGIS, custom processing algorithm: How to use selected features only? 问题 以下是您要的代码部分的中文翻译: 我想使用...
英文: How would I get a list of pairs where every element from list1 is paired with some element from ...
为什么它只返回 false?Luhn 算法
英文: why it is returning only false? Luhn algorithm 问题 以下是您要翻译的代码部分: //arrays : const valid1 = [4, 5,...
英文: Find length of longest symmetric substring 问题 以下是您提供的代码的翻译部分: public static int process(String s...