英文: ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.spark.sql.connector.read.SupportsRuntimeFiltering on Google D...
英文: How to assign value to trigger_dag_id based on the result of python_callable in TriggerDagRunOpe...
英文: how to chain first and last from subchains to chains properly in airflow? 问题 考虑以下内容: sod = ( Dum...
英文: DAG changes not reflected on Airflow UI 问题 Running MWAA medium. It works fine most of the time. ...
连接查询本地 MongoDB 数据库从 DAG Airflow
英文: Connect query local mongodb database from dag airflow 问题 这是你要翻译的内容: 从Airflow初学者的问题: 我无法从DAG airf...
mysql-connector-python 8.0.33 has requirement protobuf<=3.20.3,>=3.11.0, but you have protobuf 4.23.1
英文: mysql-connector-python 8.0.33 has requirement protobuf<=3.20.3,>=3.11.0, but you have prot...
英文: How do I run python code on each task in Airflow 问题 我有一个DAG上的任务序列 例如 task1 >> task2 >&g...
Error 'No such file or directory' while sending files from s3 bucket using airflow 'EmailOperator'
英文: Error 'No such file or directory' while sending files from s3 bucket using airflow '...
英文: Run a DAG on all days of a month except 1 day 问题 我正在运行DAG从源中导入数据。在这种情况下,我们每天都会得到增量数据,每月的特定一天会得到完...
将连接附加到由AWS Airflow编排的Glue作业
英文: Attach connection to Glue job orchestrated by AWS Airflow 问题 我正在尝试通过Airflow触发一个Glue作业。触发功能运行得很好,...